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Weeknight Garden Pasta

This dish is perfect for weeknight cooking because it’s simple to prepare and you can cook one vegetable while cutting the next. Only one pan is required! However, for the more adventurous chef, you can also make your own pasta. The ingredients are prevalent in summer and can often be found in many home gardens.

Our new Russian River Valley Pinot Noir pairs well with this pasta given its versatility and perfectly balanced fruit, acidity, and tannins – just like the ingredients that make up the dish!

  • Prep time: 5 minutes

  • Total time: 35 minutes

  • Servings:   8


  • 4 tablespoons whole butter
  • 3 tablespoons shallots, minced
  • 1/2 cup sliced guanciale (or diced pancetta or ground sausage)
  • 2 tablespoons garlic, minced
  • 1 cup local mushrooms, cut into ½" pieces
  • ¾ cup red wine
  • 3 cups cherry tomatoes
  • Sachet of basil, parsley, and oregano
  • 1 cup broccolini or other hard vegetable
  • 2 cups chiffonade kale (and/or spigarello, tatsoi, arugula, or other leafy green)
  • 3–4 cups pasta (cooked)
  • 3 tablespoons oregano, minced
  • 1 tablespoon purple basil, chopped
  • 1/3 cup pecorino, freshly grated
  • Fleur de sel to taste
  • Burrata, for garnish (optional)

Suggested Wine Pairing


  1. In a large pan over low heat, melt the butter and sweat the shallots with the guanciale or pancetta; once the fat is rendered, add the garlic and mushrooms, and sauté until tender.
  2. Deglaze with red wine and cook until the alcohol burns out (so that it’s no longer burning your nose when you smell your dish).
  3. Add in the tomatoes and cook until they lose their shape.
  4. Add the sachet to the mix and allow to simmer gently for approximately 30 minutes.
  5. After 30 minutes, remove the tomato mix from the pan and set aside; wipe out pan. Return same pan to heat and sauté the broccolini or other hard vegetables with olive oil or butter until tender. Remove from pan and set aside.
  6. Using the same pan, sauté the chiffonade kale and/or other leafy green vegetables separately until tender. Reserve for later. (Because each of these vegetables requires different cooking times, sauté them individually and then add them to the mix later, so that the final dish has each vegetable showcased and enjoyed at its perfect texture. That way, you can cook while prepping the next vegetable.)
  7. Meanwhile, to make the pasta, bring a pot of water to simmer on the stove, making sure that it is salted to the flavor of the ocean.
  8. Drop your pasta into the water and give it a stir to make sure that it is not sticking together.
  9. The pasta will rise to the surface once it is fully cooked; it should be tender to the bite (cooking time TBD based on kind of pasta used).
  10. Strain the pasta or remove from water; make sure to reserve a few tablespoons of cooking water to add to your vegetable mix.
  11. Add your pasta, vegetables, cooking water, and tomato mix back into the pan, and gently sauté and coat.
  12. Fold in the oregano, basil, and pecorino. Adjust seasoning to taste, adding more herbs or fleur de sel as needed.
  13. If desired, garnish with burrata for a richer dish. Enjoy!